Expert Forensic Analysis
彩宝网平台充满活力的专业工程师团队, investigators, scientists, 实验室技术人员拥有进行复杂调查和深入法医分析的专业知识, 重点是以明确的方式提供全面的评估, timely and professional manner.
提供广泛的服务, 彩宝网平台的专家可以帮助确定火灾的起因和原因, injury, or electrical and mechanical failures; perform a root cause analysis of a product, structural or building envelope failure; investigate progressive collapse of buildings, dams or bridges; and inspect metals and cementitious materials in our laboratories. 彩宝网平台还在研发方面投入了大量资金, 致力于追求严格的科学程序并提供专家证人证词.